Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seriously big red ribbon!

Red Ribbon - 100yen shop
Grey Cardigan -Eclan
shorts - earth and music
top - Spray
beige boots - Forever 21

its my lovely petite junior, izyan`s surprise birthday party tonight
8 of us had dinner at this super nice Italian Restaurant
another bloated day for me..i think i gain kilos within this 3 days
(3 farewell n bday party)
i will upload more pics at my facebook :)
( fb friends view only..ごめんね友達限り)
**semanya i malas nk upload byk2 kat sini**peace**

izyan with her big ribbon n surprise dessert
**izyan thanks yea kasi i ur super big ribbon..suka2**

me with seriously big red ribbon on my head..:))


Miss Woody said...

lovely knot !

Nathalie said...

the ribbon is sooooo amazing. Love it

namasayatihah said...

ishh2...u ada byk killer shoes eh..i suka..;p