Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tailored pants n vest

Vest - Honeys
Beige blouse - earth and music
Favourite grey boots - Forever 21

Its my second last day at my part time job
and i wanna have a bussiness casual look
so i decided to wear my tailored pants that i bought 6 years ago!!
im so suprised because i still can fit it..weeeeeee :p
tips : whenever you wearing your tailored pants
make sure your top is fitting :)

3 simple steps to change ur pants look

1. If your pants is quite long like mine
and its totally cover up your favourite shoes....

2. So instead u cut it, just tied it with hairband
as seen in the picture above

3. lastly, rolled inside to cover the hairband
and taraaaaaaaa...done!



juwitajalil said...

loving the oxford booties!

Liyana Safra Zaabar said...


namasayatihah said...

boots itu cantik..nice..nti alek mesia open boutique ya..i jd customer u..;p

Leah said...

Love what you did to the cuffs of the pants... very creative. I love your work outfit... fabulous!

ummi nasir said...

thankss girls...n aiko, i lagi suka shppping dr buka boutique..heheheh

marumaruchan said...

this outfit saaaaangat seswai ngn kak ummi la!!
nice2!! :)

Louise said...

i love the booties! And i'm going to try the tailored pants trend someday.

Nathalie said...

wow, love the cut of the pants. They are great and the vest goes perfectly with them

ummi nasir said...

thanks girls for ur comments...^*^